I would like to take an early Gremlin X and make it a Gremlin SRT8-X. Swap in a late model 6.1 Hemi drivetrain, with the wheels and make it handle. Bright Orange with the black X Stripe.
My brother had a 72 Gremlin X. It was yellow, 304 V8 with a 3speed manual. He put some groovy shag carpet it in back in 77. It was his auto body project in tech college
Track steward at VIR a few years back had the coolest (and likely fastest) Gremlin I've ever seen. I didn't get a chance to take pix, but it was monchrome silver, low, wide, loud, and SUPER sweet....
Why did this post again? I didn't do anything!
3/13/10 12:28 p.m.
There are some interesting ones out there. Back in the day, Randall American of Mesa, Arizona sold a bunch with 401 cubic inch V8s. They weren't cornering cars, but they were quick in a straight line!
Randall also road raced an AMX with SCCA.
To the OP: Not a damned thing wrong with you. That color is berkeleying delicious.
Would look great on this:
hehe taught my to be wife to drive in 1977. taught her to drive stick in 78, married her in 79. Bought her, her first car ever in 82. a 1970 Gremlin. 300 bucks. We both loved that car, and we put many miles on it. Tons of stories I could tell. but the car actually brought me into being a "car guy" (2 clutch jobs for my bride) the car was something that we still love to this day. I have toyed with getting one for my wife, as a toy. But she really isnt a person to enjoy that. she likes her xb, (stick) with awesome stereo. lol
that little gremlin was so fun to drive, and was actually pretty dang quick, we had a good time with it. lol wife still has the locking gas cap from it!
just found a pic... My Son and now my buisness partner on our gremlin when I was building our house. I sent my wife to the lumber yard, to get her out of my hair. I never imagined she would get all I told her to buy that day :)
never under estimate a woman in a gremliin

Judging by the balooning of the rear tires, he's still in it and not giving up. I, personally, would have lifted by now.
3/14/10 8:40 a.m.
That's the Wheelstanding competition. Everybody stays in it till they roll.
96DXCivic wrote:
racerdave600 wrote:
My very first car as a '68 Ambassador, an ex-detective car I got from my grandfather. It was fairly quick up to about 70mph, then the front end went airborne from the lift! That and the 10mpg fuel consumption saw my dad sell it for a Mazda GLC. Of course by then I had started my long string of barely running MG's and Triumphs! Still, i remember the AMC with fondness. It had a HUGE backseat, always good in HS.!
Huge back seats aren't always needed. You and the girl just have to be limber.
HA! Yeah my car in college was a '72 Midget for a while, I'm pretty sure my college GF still has scars! 
New Reader
3/15/10 8:41 p.m.
v8 Gremlin can be deceptively fast. 360, 390, and 401 will all bolt right in place of the 304. They don't weigh a heck of a lot either
3/16/10 8:41 a.m.
phaze1todd wrote:
Judging by the balooning of the rear tires, he's still in it and not giving up. I, personally, would have lifted by now.
I love wheelstands.
1: It was a wheelie contest, he's basically trying to flip it over.
2: You really can't lift during a wheelstand, the front end will come down so hard it will break your teeth.
Never done one, but my old man on a wheelie contest in similar fashion, but it didn't flip. His AMX cost $1000 in frame damage to repair, which the $100 purse for winning the wheelie contest did not cover.
willy19592 wrote:
just found a pic... My Son and now my buisness partner on our gremlin when I was building our house. I sent my wife to the lumber yard, to get her out of my hair. I never imagined she would get all I told her to buy that day :)
never under estimate a woman in a gremliin
"Reader's Rides" worthy, IMHO.
P71 wrote:
That's the Wheelstanding competition. Everybody stays in it till they roll.
yes, IIRC the next year he managed to flip it.
New Reader
3/17/10 10:47 a.m.
I'm a huge AMC guy but never realy liked the style of the gremlin, Bu I do have a nice little collection of AMXs including a 69 with 343 auto, a 71 amx auto , a 72 amx auto and then my fav is my 79 spirit amx 304 but the best part is it is striped down. the guy who ordered it got it with the 304, 4 speed and no power stearing or power brakes or ac. the only other option is a AM/FM CB radio. black with tan interior. once i yanked the 2bbl for a afb and went to duals that was very fun. I cant wait to get my shop done its going in for a complete resto.
not letting the Gremlin thread die: