A Typical Evening Feeding:
I walk through the gate. Boot watches me from the edge of the pond. Down the hill Sasha, Ranger, and Minnie retreat from the spring as I approach. Thomas walks towards me and utters two muted meows of greeting. Allie emerges from the bushes, trots to the food bowls at the pole and paces. She is joined by Calico. Others emerge and watch, waiting for the food to be placed and me to back away. Two bowls filled with kibble and topped with a can of paté split between them. Convergence. These are the west-side cats.

Betty, the grand matriarch, observes from her stone perch on the steps. When the initial frenzy has lulled, she walks to the bowls and eats her fill.

I walk to the spring 20 yards away. I fill two more bowls. Thomas leaves his meal by the pole and settles on the grass at the mid-point, observing me and the other cats. Minnie, always looking a little anxious, walks past Tom with a glance and carefully surveys the food bowls at the spring.

Meanwhile the east-side cats approach to eat at the spring. Tanya walks across the middle of the field, tail held high. Fluffy stays along the edge of the pond, sniffing a plant or two as he passes. Boot has stopped at the holly, ready to hide if I approach or continue towards the food if I allow him space.

Bobbie rushes past all of them, careless of how close she comes to me, and goes to the food at the spring. Although her kitten is old enough for independence, she is still nursing and likes to keep it nearby. She will hurry back after she eats her fill. Only Tom will eat at a bowl with her. The others respect her space.

I walk back home. As I close the gate I look back. Tanya is sitting pretty, asking me if I have forgotten something.

"Of course Tanya, I haven't forgotten." I pull a couple special treats out of my pocket and toss them to her. She watches where each one lands. She waits until I step away before she retrieves and eats each one. I go home and walk in the door to be greeted by Tanya's domesticated sister. "Yes Scout, you can have a treat too."