Porsche 914 articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Porsche 914 News

Car Catcher: Orange Crush 914

Orange is the new black

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Porsche 914 articles

Features: 914 vs. 914-6: Which former Porsche pariah is the better buy?

For decades the Porsche 914 and 914-6 have lived in the shadows. Now, finally, demand is on the rise. The cars turn heads and offer a unique motoring experience.

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Porsche 914 Forum Topics

Stupid 914 gas cap question
Does anybody here have a factory wiring diagram for a 1975 Porsche 914
Porsche 914 with Cayman drivetrain and suspension
Learning about Porsche 914s
EV converted(?) Porsche 914 on Copart - NMNA

Porsche 914 Readers' Rides

Jun 03, 2021 by Skidmark
1975 None 2.0

It’s green.

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