Column articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Column articles

Columns: Is silence the best road trip companion?

How to make your next long-distance drive more enjoyable? Try keeping the radio off, says Peter Brock.

Columns: Can classic cars also be seen as high art?

All cars are designed to fulfill a stated goal, but that doesn't mean they can't be aesthetically pleasing.

Columns: Shut up and drive: Embrace the wabi-sabi of your classic car.

Do the flaws of your classic car turn your smile into a frown? Well, here's how to adjust your perspective.

Columns: From clay models to 3D scans | An appreciation of change

The automotive industry may have moved away from full-size clay models, but that hasn't stopped Peter Brock from embracing modern technology to make his designs.

Columns: The challenges of organizing comparison tests

Comparison tests often form the backbone of a car magazine–but that doesn't make them any easier to pull off.

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