Mndsm MegaDork
10/30/23 6:59 p.m.

In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :

I was about to clown you for a potato-ass picture, and then scrolled down some and realized it was a reflection. NOT BAD. 

mtn MegaDork
10/30/23 7:00 p.m.
Mndsm said:

I have apparently pulled an unprecedented stunt within my family. 


I took my cousin Olivia to WDW over the weekend. I texted her dad (my uncle) a pic of her at Hollywood studios with a lightsaber and joked I gave her a bunch of sugar and a lightsaber and now she's his problem (she's 23). 


He's going to be down here in February and has expressed interest in going, with us, and making sure she goes along, again. He HATES crowds. I think the fact that I managed to take his kid to disney before he did worked him a little bit, and now I get to use that against him- and that's REALLY funny to me. Best part is, it costs me NOTHING to do. 

You're pretty good about the facilitation of getting those who hate crowds to Disney. I should know, I've seen you do it. To me. 

Thanks for being you, and to your better half, and for all ya'll do. 

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
10/30/23 7:26 p.m.
Mndsm said:

In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :

I was about to clown you for a potato-ass picture, and then scrolled down some and realized it was a reflection. NOT BAD. 

Thanks! And ive still got a few rounds to go before the ceramicoat and topper go on. Should be quite ok when im done.

Peabody MegaDork
10/30/23 7:31 p.m.

Shipping Methods

$40.63CAD Economy Est. Delivery Nov 9 - Nov 13

$19.32CAD Standard Est. Delivery Nov 6 - Nov 7

They know how frugal I am and they tried to trick me. But I saw through their plan and chose the standard shipping


Mndsm MegaDork
10/30/23 7:38 p.m.

In reply to mtn :

As I explained to Olivia- It costs us nothing to do. And we can't even accept anything for it. (seriously, it would get swmbo fired).


I was relaying the story of our trip to some OTHER friends, and it's like this. I've been to the parks countless times. I make my own fun. Most of the time I am a TERRIBLE not so good human when I am there and look for other guests to judge. Other times, I am there for oddly sp ecific reasons. Past reasons have included funnel cake, a godzilla magnet, Funko (multiple times) an ewok swieater, just one specific ride (sometimes it's a regular ride, sometimes it's stuff aint open to the plebs yet) escargot croissants, etc. 

But the BEST fun? Inside information. Having been as many times as I have and as casually as I am able to go affords me the opportunity to learn a lot about the parks that most people just don't have a chance to know.  I can curate damn near any park experience to the guest and help them have the best time possible. Olivia's case, it was Epcot for food (she wanted snails and the norway pavilion) and Galaxy's Edge. Being able to point out all the little details a first time visitor would 100% miss.  I was ALSO able to help her get a piece of memorabilia that she would have missed otherwise, because I recognized it immediately, and no normal guest would have. (We were in Dok's and they had a batch of the Halcyon training sabers come in- those sell out immediately and are EXTREMELY hard to come across, especially since Starcruiser is shut down...for now...but I have one...and now she has one). We also made sure to get her back into GE after dark so she could get some sick ass poses with the saber all lit up. Makin' memories and E36 M3.


As an ADDED bonus we ran into a mom and her two boys (at least I think they were hers?) that were geeked on Olivias saber. Olivia didn't know a ton about it, but I of course, did. I know who has what and where they all are. What colors they are, etc. Those kids were over the MOON just asking questions about stuff like that. And when they felt like they had inside info on how to get the one purple saber in the park (DPE Mace Windu at Tattooine. TECHNICALLY a black kyber will do it but those are a crapshoot, unless you have an RFID scanner and I left mine at home) they absolutely lost it. 


TLDR- I know things and I don't ALWAYS use them for evil. Sometimes, I use them for good. 

Scotty Con Queso
Scotty Con Queso UltraDork
11/1/23 8:16 a.m.

Today is Day 1 of a health and wellness re-commitment.  Eating better and exercising again.  I've been trying to lose weight since I gained during the pandemic but I have always been up against some sort of stupid deadline which I never met and then I'd go back to eating poorly and sitting on the couch too much.  I've been getting in the right mindset for a week or two deciding I'm going to do this and lose the ~30 extra pounds I'm carrying around.  I don't have a deadline and I'm not in some weird race against myself.  Going for the long game here.  

Mndsm MegaDork
11/1/23 8:30 a.m.
Scotty Con Queso said:

Today is Day 1 of a health and wellness re-commitment.  Eating better and exercising again.  I've been trying to lose weight since I gained during the pandemic but I have always been up against some sort of stupid deadline which I never met and then I'd go back to eating poorly and sitting on the couch too much.  I've been getting in the right mindset for a week or two deciding I'm going to do this and lose the ~30 extra pounds I'm carrying around.  I don't have a deadline and I'm not in some weird race against myself.  Going for the long game here.  

I haven't talked about it- mostly because I've learned I'm better when I just don't say E36 M3 about what i'm doing, but I started about 6 months ago, give or take. I'm down roughly 75lbs And not even anything super crazy. Just.. watching what I eat. I flat out told my doctor I wanted to be less fat and everything I was tried didn't work. He made it idiot proof. He basically told me that at my age exercise wasn't as mission critical as just.. calories in as calories out. Person of my build (roughly average male?) is about 2000 calories static in a day. Eat less than that. He suggested 1800. I've been closer to 1500 without too much effort (I really only eat two meals a day) . Portion control is king. I weigh everything. I count everything. I have a calorie counter on my phone I use to log. I don't like to eat out, so avoiding high cost meals isn't usually a problem. I don't factor in exercise at all as reward calories- so days like WDW earlier when I walked a literal 10 miles- whatever I burned a few extra calories. Still not giving myself extra. 

It can be done. 

EvanB MegaDork
11/1/23 9:20 a.m.
mtn said:
slefain said:

YouTube blocked me for using an ad blocker. I found a workaround piece of code in less than 20 minutes. Now I can watch YouTube without ads again.

Getting time to build that Pi-hole I guess.

Is there a step-by-step easy enough for a fifth grader tutorial on what to buy and how to set up a pi-hole anywhere?

Feed my pi-hole. A nerdy 30 minute quality of life build.| Off-Topic Discussion forum | (

I set one up based on this thread (it isn't currently running as I took it out when changing some things and never got it set back up) with little trouble. It won't block youtube ads though. 

Mndsm MegaDork
11/1/23 10:40 p.m.

Today marks the SECOND time I've fished the same little torbie cat out of an engine. 


First time was when we first rescued her as a kitten, tricked her out of a forklift with some tuna and a raccoon trap. 


Last night I heard some scratching in the garage. Not uncommon, our morons view the garage as a portal to berkeleyin Narnia or some E36 M3- and must go AT ALL COSTS. somehow she must have gotten in there. At about 5:30 this morning I heard scratching at the door, indicating I had trapped a furry idiot in the forbidden portal. 


Normal protocol for this is to open the door and immediately engage THE BIG DOOR. THE BIG DOOR makes a lot of noise and is very scary, and is generally effective at herding otherwise ignorant furry beasts into the house. 


It did not work this time. I was convinced I had seen a shadow dart out into the night. So, I grabbed the treat bucket and went outside. Nothing. Ok. Whatever. She won't go far. 


Throughout the day, I went out and shook the treats. Nothing. I left out food and water on our front patio, as well as her favorite hidey hole. Nothing. Now I'm actually concerned she might have been mistaken for a bunny by Mr. Owl who lives in our back yard (we hear him every night. It's kinda awesome) and become dinner. Plans are made to purchase a live trap and put it under the Jeep with tuna- since we already know that worked once. 


Meanwhile, we had to go to Winn -dixie for some provisions. As one does, we left and returned through the garage. As we opened the garage door, I see a small furry shiny happy person parked under my speed 3. Wouldn't you know it, she'd not gotten out after all, she'd just decided she missed her roots and wanted to live in an engine again. So, we quick closed the big door, opened the little door into the house, and allowed the other cats a rare visit to the promised land. This must have annoyed her that her kingdom was being invaded, because she came inside like 5 minutes after being nigh unreachable on the exhaust side (read, next to the turbo/firewall) on my broken Mazda. 


She's now safe inside, acting like nothing's been going on for the last day, back to being the worst cat I've ever had. 

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
11/2/23 4:30 p.m.

I turned a $100 guitar into a free snare drum and $350. Not bad for a Thursday. 

wae PowerDork
11/2/23 4:49 p.m.

After tripping over it for several years now, the ancient Dewalt radial arm saw is finally gone from my basement!  It took some doing to get it out and loaded into a guy's truck, but now I've got empty space in my basement and a few bucks in my pocket!

RonnieFnD New Reader
11/2/23 9:32 p.m.

So I had a pretty E36 M3 day.  My mentor that taught me everything I know in the world of racing, taught me how to drive smooth, was my novice instructor,  helped me build my first neon,  etc. Passed away.   So while sitting at work sad and mad someone came thru and put a smile on my face.  Scott (Spinnywhoosh) designed me a big decal for my back window so I'll have something on the car for the autox state championship in two weeks.  I look at this and smile.

AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter)
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
11/3/23 12:20 p.m.

In reply to RonnieFnD :

That sticker is worth a couple tenths, easy.  I'm sorry you lost your mentor.

Appleseed MegaDork
11/4/23 12:53 a.m.

 I started a job rebuilding transmissions in a factory setting. I knew nothing. 8 months later, I'm about to make mechanic, level II.

matthewmcl Dork
11/4/23 9:35 p.m.


Local Styx concerts two years in a row! This one inside in a nice theater. Sound quality is really good.

Datsun240ZGuy MegaDork
11/4/23 9:51 p.m.

In reply to matthewmcl :

In 1975 Styx played in my high school gym - 3600 students.  I was in 7th grade so I missed it by 2 years.  

Fifty years later 21,000 people claimed they were there. 

Peabody MegaDork
11/5/23 6:12 a.m.

I saw Styx ~79 at Maple leaf gardens, a request from my girlfriend at the time. It's a closely guarded secret 

Aaron_King UltimaDork
11/6/23 7:53 a.m.

My 15 year old son  and I were able to get his first/project car started and running well on Sunday.  The best for me was Tyler figuring out we had the firing order 180 degrees off, which I don't understand how, and the look on his face when it fired right up.  It was a great weekend. 

CAinCA Dork
11/6/23 10:12 a.m.
matthewmcl said:



Local Styx concerts two years in a row! This one inside in a nice theater. Sound quality is really good.

I'm watching Mr. Robot and reading the forums this morning. As I see your post Mr. Roboto starts playing in the show. Cool coincidence. 

preach UltraDork
11/6/23 4:35 p.m.

I am down to 7 cars from 8. Sold the one I disliked so much I paid $164 to get rid of it. That was how much was left on the loan after they paid my wife for the car. Freed up about $360/mo though and now I can fit all of my cars in the driveway during big storms this winter.

This is on the big side of Minor really.

Streetwiseguy MegaDork
11/6/23 5:06 p.m.
Peabody said:

I saw Styx ~79 at Maple leaf gardens, a request from my girlfriend at the time. It's a closely guarded secret 

They headlined a triple in Regina in the second half of the 70's.  Black oak Arkansas, Montrose and Styx. I remember nothing of the show, and I wasn't even ripped.


Scotty Con Queso
Scotty Con Queso UltraDork
11/8/23 10:37 a.m.

One week into my health re-commitment and feeling good.  I've ran about 15 miles so far and ate far less and healthier.  My reserves of pizza and fast food are dwindling and my body is craving bad food again.  Have to push past that.  Also down 3lbs in a week which I know at least one of those pounds are probably water weight from consuming high sodium foods for so long. 

Peabody MegaDork
11/8/23 10:49 a.m.
Streetwiseguy said:
Peabody said:

I saw Styx ~79 at Maple leaf gardens, a request from my girlfriend at the time. It's a closely guarded secret 

They headlined a triple in Regina in the second half of the 70's.  Black oak Arkansas, Montrose and Styx. I remember nothing of the show, and I wasn't even ripped.

I don't remember the show, either, but I sure remember that girl

RX Reven'
RX Reven' UberDork
11/9/23 2:04 p.m.

I'm 48 days away from being able to draw on my 401K without penalty.

I'm debt free and the only bill I'll have between now and then is my daughter's rent for December which I've easily got covered.

I think about all of the challenges, all of the near misses, all of the things that could have gone wrong in my life and yet here I am...the guy that made the universe his bitch.


Duke MegaDork
11/9/23 2:11 p.m.

In reply to RX Reven' :

That's awesome!  Well planned and well executed.  Enjoy your time!


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